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HEERF Reporting Requirements



CARES Act - Student Emergency Financial Aid Grants

Eligibility and Federal Reporting Requirements

Federal Reporting Requirements

以下信息是根据教育部的指导提供的 Electronic Announcement, dated May 6, 2020.  This applies to Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF I) fund only.


  • 怀特总统于2020年5月14日签署了认证和协议表格. 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学打算使用至少50%的法定金额 《365bet平台》为学生提供的紧急财政援助补助金. Eligibility is based on guidance provided by the Department of Education*.

  • Austin Peay was allocated $4,843,933 in HEERF I funding.

  • 根据教育部要求的报告日期分配信息. 第一次报告日期是收到资金后30天,之后每45天报告一次 thereafter.  Our 30-day reporting date is May 24, 2020, which is the date we received the funds.

    • Our 30 day distribution was $4,843,933 to approximately 5,989 students.

  • Austin Peay estimates 6,000 of our students will be eligible to receive HEERF I. Eligibility is based on Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

  • The number of students who have received HEERF I funds.

    • 5,989 estimate based on first distribution date of May 13, 2020

  • HEERF I funds will be distributed as follows:

    • Category I* – Pell Grant Recipients with valid FAFSA

      • Allocation 60%

      • Full Spring, Spring II and Part of Term B

      • Approximate payment per student is $912

    • Category II* -- Non-Pell Grant Recipients with valid FAFSA

      • Allocation 37.5%

      • Approximate payment per student is $685

    • Category III – Funding Reserved for Future Eligible Students

      • Allocation 2.5%

      • Approximate payment per student may vary

    • 学生们收到了包含这些资金信息的个人电子邮件 由于冠状病毒导致校园运营中断的相关费用,例如 作为食物,住房,课程材料,技术,医疗保健和儿童保育费用.

All funding for emergency financial aid grants has been distributed.  There have been no distribution changes since the May 24, 2020 30-Day Report and Disclosure. 

All funding for emergency financial aid grants has been distributed.  There have been no distribution changes since the May 24, 2020 30-Day Report and Disclosure. 

All funding for HEERF I student grants has been distributed.  There have been no distribution changes since the May 24, 2020 30-Day Report and Disclosure. The reporting dates, going forward, have been modified to quarterly.

All funding for HEERF I student grants has been distributed.  There have been no distribution changes since the May 24, 2020 30-Day Report and Disclosure. For HEERF I, this is the institution's final required quarterly posting for HEERF I student grants.

All funding for HEERF I student grants has been distributed. Additional quarterly reporting for the student grant portion is not required. 

All funding for HEERF I student grants has been distributed. Additional quarterly reporting for the student grant portion is not required.

All funding for HEERF I student grants has been distributed. Additional quarterly reporting for the student grant portion is not required.

Announcement from Provost to Students

Dear Austin Peay Students:


国会最近批准了冠状病毒援助、救济和经济安全(CARES) 该法案为学院和大学提供紧急学生补助金. The CARES Act made two types of funding available to the university. 


The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF I) 指定奖学金只用于学生的唯一目的 向符合条件的学生提供紧急经济援助,以支付他们的费用 与冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断有关,如食物、住房、 course materials, technology, health care and child care expenses. Documentation of these expenses will not be required.


教育部的HEERF I分配指南只针对本科生 有资格获得联邦第四章援助的研究生可以获得奖学金 these emergency funds. This means students must have a valid 2019-20 FAFSA on file with 365bet or be eligible to file a FAFSA. Federal guidance further clarifies HEERF may not be distributed to international, DACA or undocumented students or to any student who was exclusively taking online courses prior to March 13, 2020.


Austin Peay will provide funds to all eligible students. The University will prioritize 将HEERF I分配给符合佩尔助学金条件的学生,同时提供资金 to non-Pell Grant-eligible students who qualify.


The second type of funding is called a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG). 教育部已经放宽了对FSEOG基金的一些常规限制 in order to provide emergency funds to a broader base of students. The FSEOG has the 与HEERF I相同的指导方针,除了专门参加在线课程的学生 prior to March 13, 2020, may receive these emergency funds. 


Austin Peay will begin distributing FSEOG funds on May 8. Distribution of the HEERF I funds will occur during the week of May 11. An email will be sent to your Austin Peay email account with specific information. In addition, details will be available on our COVID-19 site at qpx2.o982.com/coronavirus.


我们为符合联邦第四章资格的学生预留了额外的资金 requirements, but who have not already filed a valid FAFSA. We are awaiting further 教育部关于学生满足要求的选择的指导 if the student does not currently have a valid FAFSA on file. 


We are working to get these funds to you as quickly as possible.


Rex Gandy

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Austin Peay State University
(May 7, 2020)


Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF I)

Category I – 60% of Total Allocation

  • Pell Recipients from Full Spring, Spring II and Spring Part B
  • Must Meet Title IV Eligibility Requirements
  • Approximate Payment Per Student -- $911.66


Category II – 37.5% of Total Allocation

  • Not Pell Eligible from Full Spring, Spring II and Spring Part B
  • Must Meet Title IV Eligibility Requirements
  • Approximate Payment Per Student -- $684.69


Category III – 2.5% of Total Allocation

  • 保留给学生无意中未确定或为紧急需要,以符合条件 students.
  • Full Spring, Spring II and Spring Part B Only
  • Must Meet Title IV Eligibility Requirements
  • Approximate Payment Per Student – May Vary


Emergency Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

  • FSEOG紧急基金与HEERFⅰ有相同的指导方针,但这些基金可能 将分发给在3月之前只参加在线课程的学生 13, 2020.
  • Approximate Payment Per Student -- $232



高等教育紧急救济基金-院校部分报告参数 18004(a)(1)

HEERF Quarterly Expenditure Reports

HEERF I Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting - as of September 30, 2020

HEERF I Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting - as of December 31, 2020

HEERF I Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting - as of March 31, 2021

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of June 30, 2021

HEERF I, II and III accrual period expenditures as of June 30, 2021

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of September 30, 2021

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of December 31, 2021

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of March 31, 2022

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of June 30, 2022

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of September 30, 2022

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of December 31, 2022

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of March 31, 2023

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of June 30, 2023

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of September 30, 2023

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of December 31, 2023

HEERF I, II and III Quarterly Expenditure Reporting as of March 31, 2024

Name of Entity Receiving Award

  • Austin Peay State University

该机构将收到或已收到的来自 根据机构的认证和高等教育协议的部门 Emergency Relief Fund – Institutional Portion

  • $34,074,377

Funding Agency

  • United States Department of Education

CFDA Number

  • 84.425F

Location and place of performance

  • Montgomery County, Tennessee

DUNS number

  • 627345531

Use of funds provided to the institution - information updated through June 30, 2022.

Housing Refunds - $1,487,897

Dining Refunds - $430,915

Additional Student Emergency Grants - $222,440

Campus Safety Operations - $1,224,397

Temporary Labor and Supply Cost, COVID testing center - $369,365

Lost Revenue from Auxiliary Services - $6,956,612

Lost Revenue from Academic Resources - $15,161,081

Technology enhancements promoting social distancing - $184,112

Student Wages paid during initial remote work setting - $625,413

Audit Fees associated with CARES Act Audit - $33,181


Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund - Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) Reporting Parameters 18004(a)(2)

Name of Entity Receiving Award

  • Austin Peay State University

该机构将收到或已收到的来自 根据机构的认证和高等教育协议的部门 Emergency Relief Fund – Institutional Portion

  • $2,633,493

Funding Agency

  • United States Department of Education

CFDA Number

  • $84.425M

Location and place of performance

  • Montgomery County, Tennessee

DUNS number

  • 627345531

Use of funds provided to the institution - information updated through December 31, 2021.

  • Special per credit hour COVID Summer Scholarship - $469,691
  • Lost Revenue from Academic Resources - $5,455

CRRSA Act - Student Emergency Financial Aid Grants

Eligibility and Federal Reporting Requirements

Not applicable, as we had not drawn in HEERF II funds at this time.

以下信息是根据教育部的指导提供的.  This applies to Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF II) only.


这是HEERF II基金和所有HEERF II学生基金的最后一次季度发布 have been distributed.


5月1日,Alisa White校长签署了认证和协议表格, 2020.    Austin Peay State University has used, or intends to use, no less than the required amount of funds received to provide HEERF grants to students.  Eligibility is based on guidance provided by the Department of Education.

  • Austin Peay was allocated and received $4,843,933 in HEERF II funding.
  • 第二期高等教育资助基金共拨款4,843,933元给学生.
  • A total of 8,343 students have received HEERF II grant funds.
  • Austin Peay用来确定哪些学生获得HEERF II的方法 grants, and how much, is described below:
    • Financial Aid identified the base population (Spring, Spring I and Part A)
    • Total Eligible = 8,194 (graduate and undergraduate enrolled and degree seeking)
      • Category I - Exceptional Need* = 4,066
      • Category II - Other (no need) = 4,128
    • Recommended Award Amount
    • Category I – 54% of $4,843,933
      • 54% = $2,615,723.82/4,065 students = $643.47 per student
    • Category II – 46% of $4,843,933
      • 46% = 2,228,209.18/4,129 students = $539.65 per student

*Note:  Need eligibility determined by Pell eligible EFC range for all students.  研究生不符合Pell的资格,但他们的FAFSA仍然计算EFC them.


Correspondence Sent to Students


May 13, 2020


《365bet》包括拨款 for students whose lives have been disrupted due to the COVID-19 virus.   Austin Peay is following the guidance provided to us by the Department of Education.

我们已经确定您有资格获得这笔资金的一部分 to as the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) in the amount of $                    .  These funds will be applied directly to your student account and the full amount will be paid to you.  If you owe a balance to the university, you are still responsible for paying the balance.  You will receive these funds by direct deposit (if you have signed up) or by check, which will be mailed to you. 

教育部已经明确指示,这些资金是“为唯一的。 并且专门为学生提供紧急经济援助助学金 他们的费用与冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断有关, 比如食物、住房、课程材料、技术、医疗保健和儿童保育费用。”.

We consider students who were not previously attending all online classes to have 经历了一些中断和费用,由于意外的移动到一个全在线 format for their coursework.  Your acceptance of these funds is considered confirmation you have a qualifying expense.



Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships and Veterans Education Benefits

不需要季度报告,因为所有HEERF II的资金都已分配 June 30, 2021 reporting.

不需要季度报告,因为所有HEERF II的资金都已分配 June 30, 2021 reporting.

ARP Act - Student Emergency Financial Aid Grants

Eligibility and Federal Reporting Requirements

Not applicable, as we had not drawn in HEERF III funds at this time.

Not applicable, as we had not drawn in HEERF III funds at this time.

Not applicable, as we had not drawn in HEERF III funds at this time.

  • 怀特总统于2020年5月14日签署了认证和协议表格.  奥斯汀佩伊州立大学打算使用规定的金额至少50% the funding provided for emergency financial aid grants to students.  Eligibility is based on guidance provided by the Department of Education.  The institution has 使用CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)项下指定的适用资金数额 (a)(4) programs to provide emergency financial aid grants to students.
  • Austin Peay was allocated $16.2 million in HEERF III student funding.
  • It is estimated 8,500 students will be awarded emergency grant funds. 
  • $9,716,789.80 in HEERF III emergency financial aid grants has been distributed to 8,472 eligible students.
  • 以下方法用于确定哪些学生获得(d)紧急财政资助 aid grants.
    • Awardee Selection
      • Undergraduate
      • Graduate
      • Degree Seeking
      • Non-Degree Seeking
      • U.S. citizens, permanent residents, DACA recipients, asylum/refugee, International.
      • Dual enrollment students will not be awarded.
      • Audit only will not be awarded.
      • No restriction on enrollment status.
      • Must be enrolled with confirmation; however, may be full-time or part-time.
      • No restriction on class modality
    • Awarding Schedule
      • Fall 2021 -  Award 60% of the $16.2 million allocation
        • $9,720,000
      • Spring 2022 -  Award 40% of the $16.2 million allocation
        • $6,480,000
    • Fall 2021
      • Category I – Exceptional Need (60%)
        • Undergraduate – Pell Eligible
        • Graduate – Not eligible for Pell; however, we can ascertain their financial need from the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) from the 21-22 FAFSA.
        • Approximately 4,065 students
        • $9,720,000 x 60% = $5,832,000/4,065 students = $1,434.68 per student
      • Category II – Need (Non-Pell Recipients) (40%)
        • Undergraduate – Not Pell eligible and not included in Category I
        • Graduate – Not included in Category I
        • Approximately 4,129 students
        • $9,720,000 x 40% = $3,888,000/4,129 students = $941.63 per student
    • Spring 2022
      • Category I – Exceptional Need (60%)
        • Undergraduate – Pell Eligible
        • Graduate – Not eligible for Pell; however, we can ascertain their financial need from the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) from the 21-22 FAFSA.
        • Approximately 4,065 students
        • $6,480,000 x 60% = $3,888,000/4,065 students = $956.46 per student
      • Category II – Need (Non-Pell Recipients) (40%)
        • Undergraduate – Not Pell eligible and not included in Category I
        • Graduate – Not included in Category I
        • Approximately 4,129 students
        • $6,480,000 x 40% = $2,592,000/4,129 students = $627.75 per student
    • 学校向学生提供有关的指示、指示或指导 the emergency financial aid grants.  An email containing the following language was sent to all recipients.  In addition, a campus-wide notification was distributed via our TheGovsSays publication.
      • 教育部(DOE)已经发放了额外的紧急救援资金 for students whose lives have been disrupted due to the COVID-19 virus. This portion 其中的一部分被称为高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF III). Austin Peay is following the guidance provided to us by the DOE.

        我们已经确定您有资格获得该金额的一部分资金 of [specific amount inserted]. These funds will be issued directly to you via direct deposit or check after September 20. By accepting these funds, you are indicating 由于COVID-19病毒,您经历了财务需求或紧急费用.

        美国能源部表示,这些资金可用于学生出勤费用的任何部分 或因COVID-19病毒而产生的紧急费用,如学费、食物、 housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care. The guidelines 要求大学优先为表现优异的学生提供这些资金 financial need.

        We hope this finds you well. If you have questions, please contact our office.

  • 怀特总统于2020年5月14日签署了认证和协议表格.  奥斯汀佩伊州立大学打算使用规定的金额至少50% the funding provided for emergency financial aid grants to students.  Eligibility is based on guidance provided by the Department of Education.  The institution has 使用CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)项下指定的适用资金数额 (a)(4) programs to provide emergency financial aid grants to students.
  • Austin Peay was allocated $16.2 million in HEERF III student funding.
  • It is estimated 8,500 students will be awarded emergency grant funds. 
  • $16,567,255.09 in HEERF III emergency financial aid grants has been distributed to 9,556 eligible students.
  • 以下方法用于确定哪些学生获得(d)紧急财政资助 aid grants.
    • Awardee Selection
      • Undergraduate
      • Graduate
      • Degree Seeking
      • Non-Degree Seeking
      • U.S. citizens, permanent residents, DACA recipients, asylum/refugee, International.
      • Dual enrollment students will not be awarded.
      • Audit only will not be awarded.
      • No restriction on enrollment status.
      • Must be enrolled with confirmation; however, may be full-time or part-time.
      • No restriction on class modality
    • Awarding Schedule
      • Fall 2021 -  Award 60% of the $16.2 million allocation
        • $9,720,000
      • Spring 2022 -  Award 40% of the $16.2 million allocation
        • $6,480,000
    • Fall 2021
      • Category I – Exceptional Need (60%)
        • Undergraduate – Pell Eligible
        • Graduate – Not eligible for Pell; however, we can ascertain their financial need from the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) from the 21-22 FAFSA.
        • Approximately 4,065 students
        • $9,720,000 x 60% = $5,832,000/4,065 students = $1,434.68 per student
      • Category II – Need (Non-Pell Recipients) (40%)
        • Undergraduate – Not Pell eligible and not included in Category I
        • Graduate – Not included in Category I
        • Approximately 4,129 students
        • $9,720,000 x 40% = $3,888,000/4,129 students = $941.63 per student
    • Spring 2022
      • Category I – Exceptional Need (60%)
        • Undergraduate – Pell Eligible
        • Graduate – Not eligible for Pell; however, we can ascertain their financial need from the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) from the 21-22 FAFSA.
        • Approximately 4,065 students
        • $6,480,000 x 60% = $3,888,000/4,065 students = $956.46 per student
      • Category II – Need (Non-Pell Recipients) (40%)
        • Undergraduate – Not Pell eligible and not included in Category I
        • Graduate – Not included in Category I
        • Approximately 4,129 students
        • $6,480,000 x 40% = $2,592,000/4,129 students = $627.75 per student
    • 学校向学生提供有关的指示、指示或指导 the emergency financial aid grants.  An email containing the following language was sent to all recipients.  In addition, a campus-wide notification was distributed via our TheGovsSays publication.
      • 教育部(DOE)已经发放了额外的紧急救援资金 for students whose lives have been disrupted due to the COVID-19 virus. This portion 其中的一部分被称为高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF III). Austin Peay is following the guidance provided to us by the DOE.

        我们已经确定您有资格获得该金额的一部分资金 of [specific amount inserted]. These funds will be issued directly to you via direct deposit or check after September 20. By accepting these funds, you are indicating 由于COVID-19病毒,您经历了财务需求或紧急费用.

        美国能源部表示,这些资金可用于学生出勤费用的任何部分 或因COVID-19病毒而产生的紧急费用,如学费、食物、 housing, health care (including mental health care), or child care. The guidelines 要求大学优先为表现优异的学生提供这些资金 financial need.

        We hope this finds you well. If you have questions, please contact our office.